Aggressive Oral Sex Techniques (Face Fucking/Throat Fucking)
Once you have mastered the basics of performing oral sex, it is possible to move on to the more exuberant flavors of the fellatio world. This would include deepthroating, which was covered in the previous module, as well as the more aggressive forms of oral sex, face fucking and throat fucking. To some people, there is little if any difference between these two. For others (including your headmistress), however, there is a significant amount of difference, often measured in either the depth of the penetration involved, the amount of aggression used, or the mindset of the person having their oral cavity used.
Neither philosophy is necessarily right or wrong, and both acts are considered forms of irrumatio. And while the concepts of face and throat fucking may seem to be a fairly recent development brought about by pornography, the practice of active penetration of the mouth and throat is known to have existed since at least as far back as the days of the Roman Empire. Gershon Legman explores their history in considerable detail in his 1969 book, Oragenitalism, if you get the chance to read it.
Given that, let’s spend some time exploring the differences between these two concepts. Before we get started, however, have a look at these two animations. They demonstrate the basic difference between face and throat fucking. As you can probably surmise, the latter is considerably more challenging than the former.
Face Fucking
Face fucking is primarily a moderately aggressive form of oral sex, except that, whereas in a regular blowjob the slut is the one putting forth the effort, in a face fucking, the person with the cock is the one doing most of the work. In this activity, the guy doing the face fucking thrusts his hips such that he guides his cock into your mouth in whatever way feels good for him. Many people even refer to this as mouth fucking because of that limitation.
Face fucking usually doesn’t involve full bore penis insertion (i.e., down to the balls). In fact, it is kind of a hybrid or “middle ground” between a regular blowjob and throatfucking, and is typically done while the slut is on her knees before the guy. You most commonly see this being done with receivers who have not yet mastered the skill of deepthroating. The penetration is typically accomplished with the guy grabbing a hold of a handful of your hair and using your mouth as a fuck hole. There’s generally no attempt to force you into deepthroating, however. As a slut, your basic role is to sit there and take it, allowing your mouth to act as your cunt otherwise would. Face fucking does offer a little more opportunity for you to be involved, though, and it is often possible to apply some of your own actions into the mix. In fact, it’s rather common for the two people to swap out which one is taking the active role throughout the encounter.
Ejaculation commonly occurs as he’s thrusting and you will taste the semen because it will spray all over the inside of your mouth. Alternatively, of course, he can withdraw just before he cums and finish by jerking off onto your face, boobs, or some other part of your body.
These are some animations that demonstrate face fucking in a variety of situations:
Throat Fucking
By contrast, throat fucking is active, full bore cock insertion into a slut’s mouth and throat, treating the mouth basically as if it were her cunt or asshole. It can be done in just about any position where the guy’s cock and the receiver’s throat can get lined up appropriately.
I like to refer to throat fucking as face fucking’s debauched big sister. If face fucking is the low end, throat fucking is the high end. To allow yourself to be throat fucked, you generally have to be able to deepthroat a cock. Of course, there are scenarios where force is applied and someone who has a virginal throat may be forcefully penetrated with an erect cock. This is not the most pleasant experience, but some people are into that kind of thing. It does come with an elevated risk of having vomit introduced into the encounter, however.
Throat fucking usually involves putting yourself into a specific mindset where you allow yourself to be used, whereas face fucking does not necessarily require the same level of submission. With a throat fucking, you usually just lie there and have very little input on what’s going on; you are, literally, being used as a sex toy or a piece of fuckmeat for this act. And, unlike what may be the case with face fucking, there is little, if any, opportunity for you to provide active stimulation.
There are differing degrees of this as well. In some cases, especially when you first get started with it, it can be a slow fucking. But once you get used to it, the guy can literally rail or power fuck you. You just have to be careful that you’re well positioned and know what to expect. As with deepthroating, there are a variety of positions that accommodate this particular sex act. These include:
- Kneeling before him. He will grab your head to hold it stationary, perhaps by the hair, but often he will literally grab your skull in some way and forcefully penetrate your throat.
- Lying on your back with your head hanging over the edge of the bed. This is the most common way to do it so that the guy doesn’t have to physically control your head and he can concentrate on his thrusts. You are upturned and hold your throat open so that it can be fucked, basically assuming the same position and purpose as that your cunt would serve if you were turned around facing the other direction.
- A 69 position. In this position, the guy will usually grab your head and force it down onto his cock, pull it up, and then force it back down until your lips make contact with his balls.
This is an extremely difficult act to endure, especially as you first get started with it. If you’ve watched a lot of porn, you no doubt have seen this done by a great many porn stars, and noticed that some are much more acclimated to it than others. It takes considerable practice to allow yourself to be used this way, and should initially be done only with someone you trust and/or who has experience with throat fucking (or with a partner who’s willing to learn with you). Keep in mind that you’ll likely have a sore throat for a bit after a good throat fucking.
The skill set necessary to undertake this is no different than that of deepthroating, generally speaking. The primary difference is that you’re sitting/lying there allowing someone to push into your throat as opposed to you being the one who’s putting the cock into your throat yourself. The guy doing the fucking has no concept of what is going on in your head or whether you’re about to gag, however, and since you’re not the one in control of how deep, how fast, etc., he’s not going to know when he needs to stop. So you’ll need to work out some type of communication strategy – something like hand gestures or physical taps to a leg or other body part to let him know you need a break (especially for breathing). A common way to do this is to allow him to fuck your throat for a few seconds, followed by his withdrawal from your mouth to allow you to breathe for a bit, and then his going back to fucking your throat some more.
This powerful sex act also has a strong psychological component to it. It’s one thing to allow a guy to penetrate your cunt or asshole, but completely different to allow him to fuck your face with the vigor that accompanies this act. It requires a lot of trust and an acceptance on your part that being used purely as a sex toy (as opposed to say, seeing yourself as an active sexual co-equal) is an acceptable form of sexual expression. It is, of course, but given anti-pornography activists’ assertions that this act is inherently degrading, many women who haven’t fully embraced their sluthood can’t get over the psychological obstacles necessary to allow themselves to want to try it, let alone come to enjoy it.
Here are some animations that show different styles of throatfucking:
Slut Academy Introduction
Oral Sex on Males
Review of Male Sexual Anatomy
Health and Safety Issues With the Penis
The Basics of Semen
The Basics of Oral Sex on Males
Swallowing vs. Spitting
Learning to Deepthroat and Suppress Your Gag Reflex
Aggressive Oral Sex Techniques (Face Fucking/Throat Fucking) - current page
Anal Sex
Basic Anal/Rectal Anatomy and Physiology
Health and Safety Issues with Anal Play
Sexual Exploration of Your Own Asshole
Selecting and Using Butt Plugs and Other Anal Toys
Rimming and Oral-Anal Contact
Your First Anal Penetration
Using Enemas to Prepare for Anal Sex
The Mechanics of Penis-in-Asshole Sex
Ass-to-Mouth Oral Sex
Felching and Other Anal Fluid Play